
Poster presentations

During the conference, several posters will be presented. Below is a list of publications for which digital versions are available. This list will be updated over the coming days.

Number Poster Title Authors
P02 Harmonizing Treatment and Improving Outcomes for Pediatric Adrenocortical Tumors: A Pan-European Prospective Clinical Trial by EXPeRT and ERN (, 854 KB) M. Kuhlen et al
P03 Machine Learning and Bayesian modeling of rare diseases (, 417 KB) G. Penagos
P05 Supplementing Published Evidence With Structured Observation of Cases from a Clinical Audit Registry: a Pilot (, 211 KB) W. Irvine el al
P08 Evaluation of the Fill-it-up-design to use historical control data in randomized clinical trials with two arm parallel group design (, 470 KB) S. Wied et al
P11 Defining the cutoff value of oligometastasis in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (, 235 KB) D. Berzenji et al
P13 Clinicopathological determinants of recurrence risk in resected typical and atypical carcinoids (, 272 KB) G Lamberti et al
P16 Shaping the Future of Epilepsy Research in Europe: the ERN EpiCARE Priorities (, 1 MB) A. Arzimanoglou el al
P17 Evaluating the Performance of Pan Ran's nomogram for predicting recurrence in GIST: an analysis of the Italian population (, 617 KB) M. Grassi et al
P18 A phase II, multicentric, single-arm trial to evaluate Activity of Capecitabine and Temozolomide in neUroendocrine neoplAsms of the Lung – ACTUAL study (, 1 MB) E. Andrini el al
P22 Patient Perspective in the First German National Registry for Rare Diseases (Narse) Within the Fair4rare Evaluation Project (, 1 MB) C. Finis
P23 Patient-centered Perspective Insights from an ePAG Workshop (, 1 MB) I. Alves et al
P26 Defining priorities in the transition from paediatric to adult healthcare for rare bone disease patients: a dialogic approach (, 1 MB) D. Scognamiglio et al
P27 Utility of Polygenic Risk Score (PGS) for Prediction of Dilated Cardiomyopathy (DCM) and Modulation of Severity of LV Dysfunction Among Cases (, 676 KB) D. Kramarenko et al
P28 DeCODe: Develop Child and Orphan Device Support (, 152 KB) A. Jonker et al
P30 Efficacy of telerehabilitation with games in a patient with late-onset Pompe disease (, 152 KB) M. Bon et al
P32 An international, multidisciplinary research project aimed at evaluating the quality of life of children with visual impairment caused by Rare Eye Diseases (, 2 MB) K. Nowomiejska et al
P36 The Development of an Undiagnosed Respiratory Patient Pathway (UDPP) (, 23 MB) L. Rist et al
P40 Research Proposal: Role of the Clinical Research Coordinator within International Networks for Congenital Heart Disease (, 426 KB) L. Schianchi et al
P43 Prehabilitative Exercise During Pediatric Sarcoma Treatment: Protocol of a Feasibility Study (, 1 MB) J. Queisser et al
P46 Leveraging FAIR principles to enable collaborative data exploration and analysis by people and machines (, 4 MB) S. Louisse et al
P47 Multistakeholder Mapping of Endocrine
Medicine availability and shortages in Europe: ENDO-ERN expert centres
 (, 395 KB)
J. de Graaf et al
P49 Collection and codification of patients without determined diagnosis in ERN registries (, 393 KB) C. Vossler-Wolf el al
P50 Randomization in clinical trials with small sample sizes using group sequential designs (, 450 KB) D. Bodden el al