Announcement of the launch of “Open Research Europe”


Open Research Europe (OCE) is an open access publishing platform for the publication of research stemming from Horizon 2020 funding across all subject areas. The platform makes it easy for Horizon 2020 beneficiaries to comply with the open access terms of their funding and offers researchers a publishing venue to share their results and insights rapidly and facilitate open, constructive research discussion.

Overview of Open Research Europe (ORE)

  • Open access publishing platform for scientific articles that present the results of research funded by Horizon 2020, and soon Horizon Europe.
  • As a Horizon 2020 beneficiary, you are eligible to publish research articles stemming from your Horizon 2020 research on this platform.
  • The platform accepts articles in all fields of science
  • The platform showcases a variety of article types ranging from research articles to methods and
  • Publishing in Open Research Europe is an optional service, even after the Horizon 2020 grant has ended.
  • Because the EC covers all costs upfront, there is no author fee
  • Guarantee of automatic compliance with the open access requirements of Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe

Research submitted in ORE must be original, not be submitted anywhere else for publication, and stem from a Horizon 2020 grant in which at least one of the authors is involved.

All ERICA partners -as a Horizon 2020 beneficiary-, are eligible to publish research articles stemming from your Horizon 2020 research on this platform!

Summit here your research.

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