Clinical Trials for Rare Diseases: Present and Future

Ralf-Dieter Hilgers
Ralf-Dieter Hilgers

ERICA WP4 Clinical Trial Support

co-chair prof. dr. Ralf-Dieter Hilgers in line with the objectives of ERICA offers a tailored workshops for the ERNs on Clinical Trials design for Rare Diseases. This is a very elegant tool to increase and foster clinical trials implementation. He has already given workshop for ERN Liver Meeting and will participate in Endo-ERN General Assembly meeting in April 2023 to talk about innovative trial designs. Please contact ERICA office if you are interested as ERN in such expertise and workshop.

You can find the presentation here: 2021_ERN Liver_Hilgers

And happy to share the published article : Designing clinical trials in Wilson disease – PubMed (


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