EJP RD Joint Transnational Call 2022, a funding opportunity for RD research projects


The European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases (EJP RD) announced the upcoming launch on December 14th of the fourth EJP RD Joint Transnational Call (JTC) 2022, aimed at funding multilateral research projects on rare diseases under the EJP-COFUND action.

The aim of the call is to enable scientists in different countries to build an effective collaboration on a common interdisciplinary research project, with the call topic being “Development of new analytic tools and pathways to accelerate diagnosis and facilitate diagnostic monitoring of rare diseases.”

An information webinar will be held on December 16th from 14.00-15.30 (CET).

Partners belonging to one of the following categories may request funding under a joint research proposal (according to country/regional regulations):

  • academia
  • clinical/public health sector
  • enterprises when allowed by national/regional regulations
  • patient advocacy organizations.

The maximum duration of the project is three years. Only transnational projects will be funded. Each consortium submitting a proposal must involve four to six eligible principal investigator partners from at least three different participating countries.

Timetable, contact, and more information here: https://www.ejprarediseases.org/joint-transnational-call-2022/

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