ERICA WP4 Webinar: c4c trials, education and training


ERICA WP4 Clinical Trial Support webinar

Thursday, April 11th From 13:00 to 14:00 CEST


Conect4children” (c4c) is a IMI2 project and a Dutch non-profit that provides services to academia and industry that accelerate the design and conduct of paediatric clinical research. This webinar introduces two of the services: support for clinical trials and education & training.
We invite you to learn about how these services can support your research and how you can inform the implementation of c4c for rare disease research.

Mark Turner, c4c

Chloe Bickerstaff,c4c

Francesca Rocchi, lead Italian paediatric reseatch network INCIPIT, Bambino Gesù Children Hospital

Becca Leary, University of Newcastle

The webinar will be introduced by Prof. Mark Turner, the CEO of the non-profit. Chloe Bickerstaff, service lead will outline services for site identification, site level feasibility, and support during trials using case studies and metrics. Education and Training, the c4c Academy, will be described by the service leads Dr. Francesca Rocchi and Becca Leary who will outline existing courses that are available through the c4c consortium and opportunities for learning about paediatric aspects of Rare Disease research in the future.

Prof. Mark Turner is CEO of the Dutch non-profit conect4children Stichting. With more than 30 years clinical practice in neonatal medicine, he has spent 15 years developing infrastructure for clinical research including involvement in EJP-RD and EURODIS initiatives.

Chloe Bickerstaff leads the Trial Service in the conect4children Stichting. She has worked for 13 years in clinical trials management.

Francesca Rocchi is a pharmacist based in Rome, in Bambino Gesù Children Hospital. She has the role of Coordinator of Regulatory Affairs in the Area of clinical studies for the development and implementation of medicines, vaccines, and medical devices for paediatric use. She leads the Italian paediatric reseatch network INCIPIT. She has led teaching programmes about paediatric clinical research for 12 years.

Becca Leary is a Senior Project Manager with the University of Newcastle with extensive experience of delivering European projects with a focus on Rare Diseases and Drug Development.

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Webinar summary

Webinarc4c trials, education and training
DateApril 11th, 2024
Time13:00 – 14:00 hr
SpeakersMark Turner (c4c)
Chloe Bickerstaff (c4c)
Francesca Rocchi (INCIPIT, Bambino Gesù Children Hospital)
Becca Leary (University of Newcastle)
OrganisationERICA WP4, c4c
WebsiteVisit webinar website