ERICA WP4 Webinar: Introduction on Patient-Reported Outcomes and considerations before including them in a clinical trial. Study case from the ERN-EuroBloodNet


ERICA WP4 Clinical Trial Support webinar

Wednesday May 10th 2023

From 12:30 to 13:30 CEST

The main objective of the webinar will be to give an overview of Patient-Reported Outcomes Measures (PROMs) and Patient-Reported Experience Measures (PREMs) in clinical research.

Céline Desvignes-Gleizes from Mapi Research Trust will provide an introduction on PROMs and PREMs and accordingly, will address the following questions:

  • What are PROMs & PREMs?
  • What do I need to know about PROMs & PREMs before including them in a clinical trial?
  • At what point of the preparation of a clinical trial do I need to think about PROMs & PREMs?
  • Where can I find adequate PROMs & PREMs and who can I address to have more info on PROMs & PREMs?

Then, we will have a case study issued from a member of the ERN-EuroBloodNet. Andreas Glenthøj, a hematologist clinician, will explain the experience of using PROMs an academic clinical trial: PROMs selection process and the benefits and challenges about PROMS inclusion and selection.

Finally, a patient advocate, Dore Peereboom from Stichting Zeldzame Bloedziekten, will share her point of view on PROMs based on her experience of using those tools: useful PROMs and reasons why.

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Webinar summary

WebinarIntroduction on Patient-Reported Outcomes and considerations before including them in a clinical trial. Study case from the ERN-EuroBloodNet
DateMay 10th, 2023
Time12:30 – 13:30 hr
SpeakersCéline Desvignes-Gleizes (Mapi Research Trust)
Andreas Glenthøj (Copenhagen University Hospital )
Dore Peereboom (Patient advocate, Stichting Zeldzame Bloedziekten)
OrganisationERICA WP4
WebsiteVisit webinar website
RegistrationRegistration is closed(Full)
WP4 Clinical Trial Support