

Theme / TitleDateTime CETSpeaker(s)RegisterView
Together for Rare Diseases & ERICA Webinar2025-01-1617:00 – 17:45 hr
Together for Rare Diseases & ERICA Webinar about ERNs for Industry partners2024-12-0217:00 – 17:45 hrAlberto Pereira, Franz Schäfer, Katarzyna Mosiewicz and Sheela Upadhyaya
Disease Specific Measures2024-07-2415:00 – 16:30 hrTanja Wlodkowski, Faisal Ahmed, Ana Priego Zurita and Johan de Graaf
c4c expert advice, patient and public involvement, data standards2024-05-0313:00 – 14:00 hrMark Turner, Fenna Mahler , Pamela Dicks and Becca Leary
Approaches to the Evaluation of Evidence for Rare Disease and Complex Conditions Guidelines2024-04-2914:00 – 15:30 hr
c4c trials, education and training2024-04-1113:00 – 14:00 hrMark Turner, Chloe Bickerstaff , Francesca Rocchi and Becca Leary
EMA Webinar on Rare World Diseases Day2024-02-2916:00 – 17:25 hrKristina Larsson, Virginie Hivert , Melanie Carr , Hélène Le Borgne, Theodor Framke, Violeta Stoyanova-Beninska, Iordanis Gravanis, Maria Mavris and Maribel Rico-Salas
Transitioning trials to the CTR (CTIS) for non-commercial sponsors2024-02-0910:00 – 13:00 hr
“Bridging the gap between promising preclinical data and a successful clinical trial”2023-10-1916:00 – 17:00 hrGilles Vassal and Joanne Lee
REMEDI4ALL / drug repurposing and clinical trial readiness by Anton Ussi2023-10-0213:00 – 14:00 hrAnton Ussi
Framework for Patient Engagement in Clinical Trials2023-05-2415:00 – 16:00 hrVirginie Hivert and María Cavaller Bellaubi
Introduction on Patient-Reported Outcomes and considerations before including them in a clinical trial. Study case from the ERN-EuroBloodNet2023-05-1012:30 – 13:30 hrCéline Desvignes-Gleizes, Andreas Glenthøj and Dore Peereboom
Designing and conducting clinical trials in rare diseases – what industries expect for partnering with clinical sites2023-04-1412:30 – 13:30 hrDiego Ardigò
Definition of orphan drug by the EMA2023-03-2812:30 – 13:30 hrArmando Magrelli
Essential requirements before thinking about a clinical trial2023-02-2812:00 – 13:00 hrViviana Giannuzzi
Joint HMA/EMA Multi-stakeholder workshop on Patient Registries 12&13 February 20242023-02-12
WP5 Educational Webinar 2 “Practical guide on how to use the Catalogue of services and the IMT”2022-10-2413:00 – 14:00 hrAnton Ussi, Agustin Arasanz Duque and Rosan Vegter
Composite endpoints including patient relevant endpoints (Quality of Life)2022-05-0616:00 – 18:30 hrJohan Verbeeck
EMA Virtual meeting Repurposing ‘WALK-IN’ CLINIC2022-02-1717:00 – 18:30 hr
Does Randomization matter in RD clinical trials?2021-12-14Ralf-Dieter Hilgers
EMA Webinar for SMEs and Academia on the Clinical Trials Regulation and the Clinical Trials Information System2021-11-299:00 – 13:30 hr
Educational Webinar 1 Current research services available for the rare diseases community2021-11-0815:00 – 16:00 hrAnton Ussi