eHealth for patients with rare diseases: the eHealth Working Group of the European Reference Network on Rare Multisystemic Vascular Diseases (VASCERN).


The European Reference Network on Rare Multisystemic Vascular Diseases (VASCERN) was launched in 2017 and involves, to date, 35 highly specialised multidisciplinary expert centres (from the 30 full Healthcare Provider members) coming from 11 countries and more than 70 patient organizations from 16 countries. The eHealth Working Group (WG) of VASCERN was set up to develop practical, patient-centred solutions and strategies for effective use of eHealth tools to answer the needs of patients with multisystemic vascular rare diseases.

The ehealth wg

Following the identified patients' needs and following the guiding principles of collaboration and patient-centredness, the eHealth WG was created with the following aims: to develop a mobile app to help patients find expert centres and patient organizations, and to develop resources (Pills of Knowledge, PoK) for training and education via digital platforms (eLearning). The mobile app includes, to date, functionalities that allow users to find expert centres and patient organizations across Europe in the area of rare multisystemic vascular diseases. Discussed app developments include personalized digital patient passports, educational material, emergency management guidelines and remote consultations. Regarding training and education, a variety of PoK have been developed. The PoK cover several topics, target several user groups, and are delivered in various formats so that they are easy-to-use, easy-to-understand, informative, and viable for delivery and sharing through digital platforms (eLearning) including, e.g., the VASCERN YouTube™ channel.


Overall, the work carried out by the eHealth WG of VASCERN can be seen as a pilot experience that may serve as a basis to for collaborative development of patient-centred eHealth tools that answer the needs of patients with various rare diseases, not limited to rare multisystemic vascular diseases. By expanding the multidisciplinary approach here described, clinical and research networks can take advantage of eHealth services and use them as strategic assets in achieving the ultimate goal of ensuring equity of access to prevention programs, timely and accurate diagnosis and specialized care for patients with rare diseases throughout Europe.

Overview publication

TitleeHealth for patients with rare diseases: the eHealth Working Group of the European Reference Network on Rare Multisystemic Vascular Diseases (VASCERN).
Issue nameOrphanet journal of rare diseases
Issue numberv16.1:164
AuthorsPaglialonga A, Gaetano R, Robert L, Hurard M, Botella LM, Barr N, Jondeau G & Pini A
KeywordsEuropean commission 3rd health programme, European reference network, Knowledge exchange, Orphan diseases, Rare diseases, Telemedicine, Vascular diseases, eHealth, mHealth
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