Integration, Outreach & Dissemination (WP6)
Through WP6 ERICA will also seek strategic partnerships with all major European and international RD research stakeholders. Information exchange, consensus building, and coordination of joint activities will occur both at the steering level, through the multi-stakeholder advisory board, and at the operational level, by inclusion of external stakeholders in workshops.
Outreach and project dissemination are the hallmarks of this action. WP6 will be tightly connected to the other WPs. The work package leads will be the central point of contact for all external research inquiries, will coordinate the outreach to multiple stakeholders, develop and maintain a central ERN research website, and disseminate all ERN research results. Within WP6 the ERICA office will coordinate outreach and dissemination strategies on the following topics:
- Advocating rare diseases
- Coordinating research agendas between ERNs
- Facilitation of access to research
- Bringing EU added value
- Promoting multidisciplinary approaches to research
- Setting up ERNs as observatories
- Improving information flow within and between ERNs